
Pubblicazioni in riviste recensite su Medline.

Desideri A, Bigi R, Terlizzi R, Cortigiani L, Suzzi GL, Ginocchio G, Celegon L, Fioretti P
Non invasive risk stratification in women with uncomplicated acute myocardial infarction
Am J Cardiol 2000 ; 86: 333-336

Zanco P, Desideri A, Mobilia G, Cargnel S, Milan E, Celegon L, Buchberger R, Ferlin G
Effects of Left Bundle Branch Block on Myocardial Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography Imaging in subjects without significant coronary artery stenoses
J Nucl Med 2000;41:973-977

Desideri A, Bigi R, Cortigiani L.
Efficacy and appropriateness in acute coronary syndromes
Ital Heart J Suppl 2001; 2(1):31-34

Rambaldi R, Bigi R, Desideri A, Curti G, Occhi G
Prognostic usefulness of dobutamine-induced ST segment elevation and T wave normalization after uncomplicated acute myocardial infarction
Am J Cardiol 2000 1; 86:786-789

Bigi R, Galati A, Desideri A, Coletta C, Bax JJ, Occhi G, Gregari D, Fioretti P
Incremental prognostic value of stress echocardiography as adjunctive test to exercise electrocardiography following uncomplicated myocardial infarction
Heart 2001; 85: 417-423

Bigi R, Desideri A, Bax JJ, Fiorentini C, Galati A, Fioretti P
Prognostic interaction between viability and residual myocardial ischemia by dobutamine stress echocardiography in patients with acute myocardial infarction and mildly impaired left ventricular function.
Am J Cardiol 2001; 87: 283-288

Bigi R, Cortigiani L, Desideri A
Non invasive diagnostic and prognostic assessment of single-vessel coronary artery disease. Focus on stress echocardiography
Eur J Echocardiography 2001; 2:40-45

Bigi R, Desideri A, Rambaldi R, Cortigiani L, Sponzilli C, Fiorentini C
Angiographic and prognostic correlates of cardiac output by cardiopolmunary stress testing in anterior myocardial infarction
Chest 2001;120: 825-833

Desideri A, Bigi R, Cortigiani L
Evidence-based medicine and everyday medicine. Not only an Italian problem.
Ital Heart J Suppl 2001 , 1, 89-90

0 Cortigiani L, Desideri A, Bigi R
Non invasive assessment of coronary heart disease: the role of stress echocardiography
Ital Heart J 2001 , 2 (4),250-255

1 Cortigiani L, Gigli G, Vallebona A, Mariani P, Bigi R, Desideri A
The stress echo prognostic gender gap
Eur J Echocardiography 2001, 2: 132-138

2 Bigi R, Desideri A, Cortigiani L, Bax J, Celegon L, Fiorentini C
Stress echocardiography for risk stratification of diabetic patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease
Diabetes Care 2001; 24: 1596-1601

3 Bigi R, Cortigiani L, Desideri A, Colombo P, Sponzilli C, Bax JJ, Fiorentini C
Clinical and angiographic correlates of dobutamine-induced wall motion patterns in the infarct area
Am J Cardiol 2001; 88:944-948

4 Cortigiani L, Zanetti L, Bigi R, Desideri A, Fiorentini C, Nannini E
Safety and feasibility of dobutamine and dipyridamole stress echocardiography in hypertensive patients
J Hypertension 2002; 20:1-7

5 Desideri A, Zanco P, Bertella M, Bigi R, Cortigiani L, Bax JJ, Suzzi G, Celegon L
Comparison of Positron Emission Tomography to the resting electrocardiogram for assessing viable myocardium in chronic ischemic cardiomyopathy involving the anterior left ventricular wall.
Am J Cardiol 2002 , 90:878

6 Bigi R, Cortigiani L, Bax JJ, Colombo P, Desideri A, Sponzilli C, Fiorentini C.
Stress echocardiography for risk stratification of patients with chest pain and normal or slightly narrowed coronary arteries
J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2002; 15:1285-1289

7 Amici E, Cortigiani L, Coletta C, Franzin S, Bigi R, Desideri A, Gambelli G, Ceci V
Usefulness of pharmacological stress echocardiography for the long term prognostic assessment of patients with typical versus atypical chest pain.
Am J Cardiol 2003; 91:440-442

8 Desideri A, Bigi R, Cortigiani L, Rambaldi R, Sabbadin D, Curti G, Celegon L.
Predischarge exercise electrocardiogram and stress echocardiography can predict long-term clinically driven revascularization following acute myocardial infarction.
Clin Cardiol 2003;26: 67-70

9 Bigi R, Cortigiani L, Colombo P, Desideri A, Bax JJ, Parodi O.
Prognostic and clinical correlates of angiographically diffuse non-obstructive coronary lesions
Heart 2003; 89: 1009-1013

0 Cortigiani L, Coletta C, Bigi R, Amici E, Desideri A, Odoguardi L
Clinical, exercise electrocardiographic and pharmacological stress echocardiographic findings for risk stratification of hypertensive patients with chest pain
Am J Cardiol 2003; 91: 941-945

144 Rambaldi R, Desideri A, Bigi R, Cortigiani L, Mantero A, Fiorentini C
Myocardial Doppler at rest for the identification of myocardial viability.
Ital Heart J 2003; 4: 179-185

2 Desideri A, Fioretti PM, Cortigiani L, Gregori D, Coletta C, Vigna C, Tota F, Rambaldi R, Bax J, Celegon L, Bigi R, Picano E, on behalf of the COSTAMI Trial Investigators
Cost of Strategies After Myocardial Infarction (COSTAMI). A multicenter, international, randomized trial for cost-effective discharge after uncomplicated myocardial infarction.
Eur Heart J 2003; 24, 1630-1639

3 Lorenzoni R, Cortigiani L, Magnani M, Desideri A, Bigi R, Manes C, Picano E.
Cost-effectiveness analysis of noninvasive strategies to evaluate patients with chest pain
J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2003; 16: 1287-1291

4 Komorovsky R, Desideri A, Coscarelli S, Cortigiani L, Celegon L.
Impact of carotid arterial narrowing on outcomes of patients with acute coronary syndromes.
Am J Cardiol 2004; 93:1552-1555

5 Bigi R, Verzoni A, Cortigiani L, De Chiara B, Desideri A, Fiorentini C
Effect of pharmacological wash-out in patients undergoing exercise testing after acute myocardial infarction
International Journal of Cardiology 2004; 97:277-281

6 Cortigiani L, Desideri A, Bigi R.
Echocardiography for risk stratification of myocardial infarction in the reperfusion era.
Clinical Cardiology 2005;28: 3-7

7 Komorovsky R, Desideri A, Coscarelli S, Cortigiani L, Tonello D, Visona A, Celegon L
Predictive value of associations between carotid and coronary artery disease in patients with acute coronary syndromes
Am J Cardiol 2005;95:116-119

8 Desideri A, Fioretti PM, Cortigiani L, Trocino G, Astarita C, Gregori D, Bax J, Velasco J, Celegon L, Bigi R, Pirelli S, Picano E.
Pre-discharge stress echocardiography and exercise ECG for risk stratification after uncomplicated acute myocardial infarction. Results of the COSTAMI-II (Cost of Strategies After Myocardial Infarction) Trial.
Heart 2005; 91:146-151

9 Komorovsky R, Desideri A, Coscarelli S, Cortigiani L, Tonello D, Visona A, Celegon L
Prognostic implications of sonographic characteristics of carotid plaques in patients with acute coronary syndromes
Heart 2005; 91:819-820

0 Bigi R, Gregori D, Cortigiani L, Desideri A, Chiarotto F, Toffolo G
Artificial Neural Networks and Robust Bayesian Classifiers for Risk Stratification Following Uncomplicated Myocardial Infarction
International Journal of Cardiology 2005; 8; 481-487

1 Cortigiani L, Desideri A, Gigli G, Vallebona A, Terlizzi R, Giusti R, Rossi B, Solari P, Antonelli A, Bigi R.
Clinical, resting echo and dipyridamole stress echocardiography findings for the screening of renal transplant candidates
International Journal of Cardiology 2005; 103:168-174

2 Komorovsky R, Desideri A Carotid ultrasound assessment of patients with coronary artery disease: a useful index for risk stratification
Vascular Health and Risk Management 2005:1; 131-136

3 Desideri A, Cortigiani L, Christen A, Coscarelli S, Gregori D, Zanco P, Komorovsky R, Bax J.
The extent of perfusion-F 18-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography mismatch determines mortality in medically treated patients with chronic ischemic left ventricular dysfunction.
J Am Coll Cardiol 2005, 46:1264-1269

4 Desideri A, Tonello D, Coscarelli S, Alitto F, Daniotti A, Chioin R.
Early mobilization after percutaneous catheterization and vascular closure with a novel device (Star-close)
Am J Cardiol 2005 ; 96:1408-1409

5 Cortigiani L, Sicari R, Desideri A, Bigi R, Bovenzi F, Picano E; on behalf of the VIDA (Viability Identification with Dobutamine Administartion) Study Group
Dobutamine stress echocardiography and the effect of revascularization on outcome in diabetic and non-diabetic patients with chronic left ventricular dysfunction
Eur J Heart Fail 2007; 9:1038-1043

6 Komorowsky R, Desideri A, Rozbowsky P, Sabbadin D, Celegon L, Gregori D
Quality of life and behavioural compliance in cardiac rehabilitation patients: a longitudinal survey
Int J Nurs Stud 2008; 45:979-985

Gregori D, Desideri A, Bigi R, Petrinco M, Cortigiani L, Zigon G, Pagano E
Proper modeling strategies selection for the assessment of post-infarction costs
Int J Cardiol 2008; 129: 53-58

Pagano E, Petrinco M, Desideri A, Bigi R, Merletti F, Gregori D
Survival models for cost data. The forgotten additive approach.
Stat med 2008; 27: 3585-3597

Wood DA, Kotseva K, Connolly S, Jennings C, Mead A, Jones J, Holden A, De Bacquer D, Collier T, De Backer G, Faergeman O; EUROACTION Study Group (Tra cui : Member – Deputy National Coordinator for Italy A Desideri)
Nurse-coordinated multidisciplinary, family-based cardiovascular disease prevention programme (EUROACTION) for patients with coronary heart disease and asymptomatic individuals at high risk of cardiovascular disease: a paired, cluster-randomised controlled trial.
Lancet. 2008 Jun 14;371(9629):1999-2012.

Petrinco M, Pagano E, Desideri A, Bigi R, Ghidina M, Ferrando A, Cortigiani L, Merletti F, Gregari D.
Information on center characteristics as costs’ determinants in multicenter clinical trials: is modelling center effect worth the effort?
Value Health 2008, 18/7

Gregori D, Petrinco M, Barbati G, Bo S, Desideri A, Zanetti R, Merletti F, Pagano E.
Extreme regression models for characterizing high-cost patients.
J Eval Clin Pract. 2009 Feb;15(1):164-71.

The efficacy of statin therapy in patients with acute coronary sindrome and concomitant carotid disease
Komorovsky R, Desideri A, Coscarelli S, Tonello D, Visona’ A, Celegon L
Clin Cardiol 2010; 33(2): E 15-9

Invasive or non invasive? That is (still) the question.
Desideri A.
Circ J 2010; 74 (5): 1028

Regression models for analyzing costs and their determinants in health care: an introductory review
Gregori D, Petrinco M, Bo S, Desideri A, Merletti F, Pagano E
Int J Qual Health Care 2011:23(3); 331-241

Long term clinical and angiographic follow up of the new non polymeric paclitaxel eluting stent for the treatment of the de novo coronary lesions: outcomes of the PAX B study.
De Abreu-Silva E ; Costa R; Abizaid,A, Ramondo A; Breno P ; Bename; H, Desideri A Berland J ; Almeida B et al on behalf of the PAX-B study Investigators
Rev. Bras. Cardiol. Invasiva vol.20 no.2 São Paulo Apr./June 2012

Modeling healthcare costs in simultaneous presence of asymmetry, heteroscedasticity and correlation
Baldi I, Pagano E, Berchialla P, Desideri A, Ferrando A, Meretti F, Gregori D
Journal of Applied Statistics 2013: 40 (2)

Management strategies in patients affected by chronic total occlusions: results from the Italian Registry of Chronic Total Occlusions.
Tomasello SD, Boukhris M, Giubilato S, Marzà F, Garbo R, Contegiacomo G, Marzocchi A, Niccoli G, Gagnor A, Varbella F, Desideri A, Rubartelli P, Cioppa A, Baralis G, Galassi AR.
Eur Heart J. 2015 Dec 1;36(45):3189-98

Abstracts pubblicati e presentati a Congressi internazionali

Bigi R, Desideri A, Cortigiani L, Celegon L, Bax JJ, Fiorentini C, Fioretti P
Stress echocardiography for risk stratification of diabetic patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease
XXII Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, August 26-30, 2000, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Bigi R, Desideri A, Cortigiani L, Bax JJ, Sponzilli C, Castini D, Fiorentini C
Long term prognostic significance of stress echocardiography in patients without angiographically- assessed obstructive coronary lesions.
XXII Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, August 26-30, 2000, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Sponzilli C, Bigi R, Desideri A, Cortigiani L, Colombo P, Zuffi A, Fiorentini C
Angiographic indicators of extensive coronary artery disease (CAD) can predict outcome independently of the degree of stenosis.
XXII Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, August 26-30, 2000, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Desideri A, Bigi R, Ginocchio G
Stress echocardiography in the diagnostic and prognostic evaluation of diabetic coronary artery disease
I Congress of SISA, Venice, 25-2-2000

Desideri A, Bigi R, Ginocchio G, Cortigiani L, Modarres S, Terlizzi R, Suzzi G.L., Celegon L, Fioretti P
Sesso femminile e stratificazione del rischio dopo IMA non complicato: eco-stress o test ergometrico?
XXXI Congresso nazionale ANMCO, 20-23/5/2000
Ital Heart J, Vol 1 Suppl 1, 2000

Bigi R, Desideri A, cortigiani L, Bax J, Celegon L, Fiorentini C.
Eco-stress farmacologico per la stratificazione del rischio nei pazienti diabetici con cardiopatia ischemica nota o sospetta
XXXI Congresso nazionale ANMCO, 20-23/5/2000
Ital Heart J, Vol 1 Suppl 1, 2000

Desideri A Test da sforzo o stress farmacologico dopo infarto acuto. Il ruolo del test ergometrico.
34 Convegno Internazionale Cardiologia 2000, Dipartimento Cardiologico A.De Gasperis. Controversie in Cardiologia. Milano 25-29/9/2000

Bigi R, Desideri A, Colombo P, Sponzilli C, Castini D, Cortigiani L, Fioreentini C
Biphasic response to dobutamine stress echocardiography is associated to more severe coronary artery disease in patients with acute myocardial infarction
Euroecho IV, December 6-9, 2000, Lisbon, Portugal

Rambaldi R, Bigi R, Desideri A, Curti G, Occhi G
ST-segment elevation or T-wave normalization by dobutamine for risk stratification after uncomplicated myocardial infarction
Euroecho IV, December 6-9, 2000, Lisbon, Portugal

Colombo P., Bigi R, Desideri A, Cortigiani L, Sponzilli C, Volterrani C, Fiorentini C.
Correlation between non invasive stress testing and different angiographic scoring after acute myocardial infarction.
61st Congress of the Italian Society of Cardiology, Rome, December 16-20, 2000

Colombo P, Sponzilli C, Bigi R, Desideri A, Cortigiani L, Zuffi A, Fiorentini C.
Angiographic indicators of extension of coronary disease predict outcome independently of the degree of stenosis.
61st Congress of the Italian Society of Cardiology, Rome, December 16-20, 2000

Colombo P, Bigi R, Desideri A, Cortigiani L, Bax JJ, Sponzilli C, Castini C, Fiorentini C
Prognostic value of stress echocardiography in patients without significant coronary lesions at angiography
61st Congress of the Italian Society of Cardiology, Rome, December 16-20, 2000

Desideri A, Bigi R, Cortigiani L, Bax JJ, Sponzilli C, Castini D, Fiorentini C
Stress echocardiography for risk stratification of patients wirh chest pain and no obstructive coronary lesions
Congress of the American College of Cardiology, March 2001, Orlando, Florida, USA

Zanco P, Desideri A, Cernetti C, Modarres S, Milan E, Dalle Mule J, Buchberger R, Celegon C, Ferlin G
Prognostic role of 13N Ammonia/18 F Fluorodeoxyglucose PET in the long term follow up of CAD patients
5th International Conference of Nuclear Cardiology, May 2-5 2001, Vienna, Austria
Supplement to the Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, vol 8, n 2, January/February 2001

Zanco P, Mobilia G, Livi U, Testolin L, Cargnel S, Desideri A, Milan E, Celegon L, Buchberger R, Ferlin G
Changes in myocardial blood flow and coronary reserve evaluated by PET in early and late heart transplant
5th International Conference of Nuclear Cardiology, May 2-5 2001, Vienna, Austria
Supplement to the Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, vol 8, n 2, January/February 2001

Zanco P, Desideri A, Mobilia G, Milan E, Suzzi GL, Chierichetti F, Garaffa G, Celegon L, Buchberger R, Ferlin G
Clinical value of septum reverse mismatch in ammonia/FDG myocardial PET
5th International Conference of Nuclear Cardiology, May 2-5 2001, Vienna, Austria
Supplement to the Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, vol 8, n 2, January/February 2001

Zanco P, Mobilia G, Livi U, Testolin L, Cargnel S, Desideri A, Milan E, Celegon L, Buchberger R, Ferlin G
5th International Conference of Nuclear Cardiology, May 2-5 2001, Vienna, Austria
Supplement to the Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, vol 8, n 2, January/February 2001

Carra G, Bonanome A, Desideri A, Visona’ A, Pesavento R, Celegon L, Pagnan A
Carotid atherosclerosis in patients undergoing diagnostic coronary angiography
Congress of the Italian Society for Atherosclerosis Study (Societa’ Italiana per lo Studio dell’Arteriosclerosi ), March 9th 2001, Venice, Italy

Bigi R, Colombo P, Desideri A, Cortigiani L, Rambaldi R, Sponzilli C, Castini D, Fiorentini C
L’ipertensione e’ un fattore prognostico negativo nei pazienti con dolore toracico e coronarie indenni da lesioni critiche
XXXII Congresso nazionale ANMCO, 20-23/5/2000

Colombo P, Bigi R, Desideri A, Cortigiani L, Rambaldi R, Sponzilli C, Fiorentini C
Variabili cliniche ed angiografiche e risultato di diversi tests provocativi in pazienti con infarto non complicato
XXXII Congresso nazionale ANMCO, 20-23/5/2000

Zanco P, Desideri A, Modarres S, Bigi R, Chierichetti F, Milan E, Celegon L
Il ruolo della PET nella valutazione prognostica dei pazienti con malattia coronarica
XXXII Congresso nazionale ANMCO, 20-23/5/2000

Bigi R, Colombo P, Desideri A, Sponzilli C, Rambaldi R, Cortigiani L, Fiorentini C
after acute myocardial infarction
La risposta bifasica all’ecostress con dobutamina si associa ad una coronaropatia piu’ severa dopo infarto miocardico acuto
XXXII Congresso nazionale ANMCO, 20-23/5/2000

Amici E, Cortigiani L, Coletta C, Bigi R, Franzin S, Desideri A, Romano P, Volterrani C, Gambelli GC, Ceci V
Valutazione prognostica a lungo termine in 904 pazienti con dolore toracico e normale funzione contrattile. Utilita’ della ecocardiografia da stress farmacologico
XXXII Congresso nazionale ANMCO, 20-23/5/2000

Colombo P, Bigi R, Desideri A, Cortigiani L, Sponzilli C, Rambaldi R, Castini D, Fiorentini C
Correlations between different non-invasive stress testing, clinical and angiographic variables after uncomplicated myocardial infarction.
XXIII Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, September 1-5, 2001, Stockholm, Sweden

Lorenzoni R, Cortigiani L, Magnani M, Desideri A, Bigi R, Picano E
Cost-effectiveness analysis of exercise electrocardiography vs. stress echo for risk stratification of patiens with chest pain and no known coronary artery disease.
XXIII Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, September 1-5, 2001, Stockholm, Sweden

Cortigiani L, Amici E, Coletta C, Bigi R, Desideri A, Odoguardi L, Fiorentini C.
The relative prognostic value of exercise electrocardiography and pharmacological stress echocardiography in hypertensive patients with chest pain of unknown origin
XXIII Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, September 1-5, 2001, Stockholm, Sweden

Cortigiani L, Bigi R, Desideri A, Nannini E, Fiorentini C
Safety and feasibility of vasodilator and adrenergic stress echocardiography in hypertensive and normotensive patients
XXIII Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, September 1-5, 2001, Stockholm, Sweden

Bigi R, Desideri A, Colombo P, Sponzilli C, Cortigiani L, Rambaldi R, Castini D, Fiorentini C
Biphasic response to dobutamine stress provides optimal anatomic assessment of the infarct-related coronary artery
XXIII Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, September 1-5, 2001, Stockholm, Sweden

Amici E, Cortigiani L, Coletta C, Bigi R, Franzin S, Desideri A, Romano P, Volterrani C, Gambelli G, Ceci V
Value of pharmacological stress echocardiography for the long term prognostic stratification of patients with atypical chest pain and normal left ventricular function
XXIII Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, September 1-5, 2001, Stockholm, Sweden

Amici E, Cortigiani L, Coletta C, Bigi R, Franzin S, Romano P, Desideri A, Gambelli G, Ceci V
Incremental prognostic value of pharmacological stress echocardiography in patients with chest pain and normal left ventricular function
American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, November 11-14, 2001, Anaheim, California, U.S.A.

Amici E, Cortigiani L, Coletta C, Bigi R, Franzin S, Romano P, Desideri A, Gambelli G, Ceci V
Incremental prognostic value of pharmacological stress echocardiography in patients with chest pain and normal left ventricular function
Euroecho V, December 5-8, 2001, Nice, France

Bertella M, Galbiati L, Bigi R, Schiavina R, Trocino G, Minneci C, Desideri A
Complementarieta’ di ecg ed eco nella diagnosi di ischemia stress inducibile durante eco-stress con dobutamina.
Ital Heart J Suppl 6, pag 177, 2001
62 nd Congress of the Italian Society of Cardiology, Rome, December 8-12, 2001

Badano L, Sarraf-Zadegan N, Baldassi M, Scaffidi G, Karavidas A, Vysniauskas V, Ilerigelen B, Astarita C, Pettinati G, Desideri A, Ghidina M, Gregori D, Fioretti P, on behalf of the ASSENCE Investigators
Comparison of early Dobutamine stress echocardiography, exercise treadmill testing and hospital admission for management of patients presenting to the emergency department with chest pain: a multicenter international randomized study.
51st Annual Scientific Session, American College of Cardiology, 3/2002

Bonanome A, Visona A, Carra G, Desideri A, Pesavento R, Lusiani L, Celegon L, Pagnan A
Echographic characteristics of carotid plaques in subjects affected by coronary heart disease
20th World Congress of the International Union of Angiology, New York, 7-11/4/2002

Coscarelli S, Desideri A, Bonanome A, Bigi R, Vaccari D, Pesavento R, Visona’ A, Cortigiani L.
Gray Weale classification of carotid stenosis is a marker of high risk coronary artery disease
Congresso Nazionale ANMCO, Firenze 18-22/5/2002

Desideri A, Rozbowsky P, Sabbadin D, Albanese MC, Gregori D, Fioretti P
Quality of life in cardiac rehabilitation patients: a preliminary analysis
Congresso Nazionale ANMCO, Firenze18-22/ 5/2002

Coscarelli S, Desideri A, Bonanome A, Bigi R, Vaccari D, Pesavento R, Cortigiani L, Celegon L
Carotid lesion type is a marker of high risk coronary artery disease
XXIV Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, September 1-5, 2002, Berlin, Germany

Desideri A, Coscarelli S, Bertella M, Bigi R, Zanco P, Cortigiani L, Bax JJ, Celegon L
The role of resting ECG in the assessment of viable myocardium in ischemic cardiomyopathy; comparison with Positron Emission Tomography
XXIV Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, September 1-5, 2002, Berlin, Germany

Bigi R, Desideri A, Chiarotto F, Toffolo GM, Gregori D, Cortigiani L, Coscarelli S, Celegon L
Artificial nueral networks versus bayesian classifiers for risk stratification following uncomplicated myocardial infarction.
XXIV Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, September 1-5, 2002, Berlin, Germany

Desideri A, Fioretti P, Coletta C, Cortigiani L, Trocino G, Vigna C, Di Chiara A, Astarita C, Tota F, Bigi R, Demczuk M, Ilerigelen B, Rambaldi R, Rossi E, Velasco J, Del Giudice S, Maras P, Di Marco G, Gregori D, Celegon L, Pirelli S, Ostojic M, Carpeggiani C, Bax J, Vanoverschelde JL, Picano E for the COSTAMI investigators
Cost of Strategies After Myocardial Infarction (COSTAMI): a multicenter, randomized, prospective trial for early hospital discharge in uncomplicated AMI.
AHA Scientific Sessions, 17-20/11/2002, Chigaco, Illinois, USA

Castini D, Rambaldi R, Massironi L, Torta D, Desideri A, Bigi R, Colombo N, Mantero A, Fiorentini C.
Doppler myocardial performance index con dobutamina: un nuovo marker di miocardio vitale e di malattia coronarica
63rd Congress of the Italian Society of Cardiology, Roma 14-18/12/2002

Coscarelli S, Desideri A, Christen A, Cortigiani L, Bonanome A, Bigi R
Lesioni carotidee complesse e placche coronariche tipo C in pazienti con coronaropatia nota o sospetta
63rd Congress of the Italian Society of Cardiology, Roma 14-18/12/2002

Colombo P, Bigi R, Desideri A, Sponzilli C, Castini D, Zuffi A, Fiorentini C
L’impatto di variabili cliniche ed angiografiche sul risultato di diversi test provocativi dopo infarto miocardico non complicato
63rd Congress of the Italian Society of Cardiology, Roma 14-18/12/2002

Rambaldi R, Castini D, Desideri A, Torta D, Colombo N, Massironi L, Bigi R, Mantero A, Fiorentini C.
Color Doppler M-mode mitralico durante eco-dobutamina: un marker di ischemia miocardica
63rd Congress of the Italian Society of Cardiology, Roma 14-18/12/2002

Colombo P, Bigi R, Desideri A, Sponzilli C, Cortigiani L, Castini D, Fiorentini C
I patterns di risposta all’eco-dobutamina ci aiutano nella valutazione anatomica della culprit lesion dopo infarto miocardico acuto?
63rd Congress of the Italian Society of Cardiology, Roma 14-18/12/2002

Suzzi G, Neri L, Ginocchio G, Costa A, Franceschini M, Terlizzi R, Desideri A, Celegon L
Valutazione dell’efficacia e sicurezza di un ciclo di riabilitazione cardiologica di II livello nell’anziano, condotta con le modalita’ dei piu’ giovani.
Congresso Nazionale ANMCO, Firenze, 5/2003

Komorovsky R, Coscarelli S, Desideri A, Cortigiani L, Suzzi G, Celegon L.
Extracoronary artery disease as a risk factor for coronary events after revascularization in patients with acute coronary syndromes.
The Journal of coronary srtery disease; vol 5, 10/2003-10-31
5th International Congress on coronary artery disease-from prevention to intervention-ICCAD
Florence, 19-22/10/2003

Coscarelli S, Komorovsky R, Desideri A, Christen A, Suzzi G, Terlizzi R, Celegon L
Rivascolarizzazione sistematica vs guidata dall’ischemia in pazienti con infarto miocardico senza sopraslivellamento del tratto ST nel mondo reale.
64° Congresso Nazionale della Societa’ Italiana di Cardiologia
Roma 6-10/12/2003

Coscarelli S, Komorovsky R, Desideri A, Christen A, Terlizzi R, Suzzi G, Celegon L
Risultati clinici tra pazienti anziani e giovani con sindrome coronarica acuta
64° Congresso Nazionale della Societa’ Italiana di Cardiologia
Roma 6-10/12/2003

Komorovsky R, Coscarelli S, Christen A, Bigi R, Cortigiani L, Celegon L, Desideri A.
Impatto prognostico della malattia vascolare periferica dopo rivascolarizzazione miocardica per sindrome coronarica acuta
64° Congresso Nazionale della Societa’ Italiana di Cardiologia
Roma 6-10/12/2003

Coscarelli S, Komorovsky R, Bigi R, Cortigiani L, Luison L, Celegon L, Christen A, Desideri A
Effetto della rivascolarizzazione miocardica nei pazienti anziani
64° Congresso Nazionale della Societa’ Italiana di Cardiologia
Roma 6-10/12/2003

Coscarelli S, Komorovsky R, Bigi R, Christen A, Cortigiani L, Luison L, Celegon L, Desideri A.
Efficacia clinica attuale della rivascolarizzazione con bypass aorto-coronarico in pazienti con sindrome coronarica acuta e coronaropatia critica bivasale.
64° Congresso Nazionale della Societa’ Italiana di Cardiologia
Roma 6-10/12/2003

Euroaction Steering Group
The EuroAction project- a randomized controlled trial of a cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation programme.
Eur J Cardiovasc Prevention Rehab 10 ; 399 : 2003
Spring Meeting of the ESC-WG on Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology

Komorovsky R, Desideri A, Tonello D, Coscarelli S, Visona’ A, Celegon L
Valore predittivo delle caratteristiche ultrasonografiche della placca carotidea nei pazienti con sindrome coronarica acuta Congresso Nazionale ANMCO, Firenze, Maggio 2004

Desideri A, Cortigiani L, Christen A, Coscarelli S, Milan E, Gregori D, Chierichetti F, Komorovski R
Impact of viability assesment by Positron Emission Tomography in non-revascularized patients with ischemic dysfunctional myocardium
Congress of the European Society of Cardiology 2004, Munchen, Germany, 28/8-1/9/2004

Komorovsky R, Desideri A, Coscarelli S, Tonello D, Visona’ A, Celegon L
Prognostic implications of carotid plaque characteristics in acute coronary syndrome
Congress of the European Society of Cardiology 2004, Munchen, Germany, 28/8-1/9/2004

Luison L, Callegaro M, Coscarelli S, Alitto F, Daniotti A, Securo G, Bertello N, Pieretti P, Desideri A
Sicurezza ed efficacia della emostasi arteriosa con sistema di chiusura Angio-seal nel paziente iperteso.
XXV GISE Congresso nazionale della societa’ italiana di cardiologia invasiva, Napoli 6-9/10/2004

Bertello N, Securo G, Pieretti P, Luison L, Callegaro M, Coscarelli S, Alitto F, Daniotti A, Desideri A
Sistema per imaging angiografico-cardiaco G.E.Innova 4100: esperienza del Laboratorio di Emodinamica di Castelfranco Veneto
XXV GISE Congresso nazionale della societa’ italiana di cardiologia invasiva, Napoli 6-9/10/2004

Callegaro M, Luison L, Severi G, Coscarelli S, Alitto F, Daniotti A, Bertello N, Securo G, Pieretti P, Desideri A.
Informatizzazione del Laboratorio di Emodinamica con Cardioplanet: esperienza dell’ASL 8 Veneto
XXV GISE Congresso nazionale della societa’ italiana di cardiologia invasiva, Napoli 6-9/10/2004

Komorovsky R, Desideri A, Coscarelli S, Tonello D, Visona' A, Celegon L.
The efficacy of statin therapy in patients with acute coronary syndromes and concomitant carotid disease
Congress of the European Society of Cardiology 2005

Coscarelli S, Desideri A, Alitto F, Celegon L
Rivascolarizzazione miocardica anatomicamente completa ed ischemia-guided. Risultati a lungo termine
66° Congresso Nazionale Societa’ Italiana di cardiologia, Roma, 10-13/12/2005

Coscarelli S, Desideri A, Celegon L
Rivascolarizzazione anatomicamente incompleta ma funzionalmente completa vs anatomicamente completa. Outcome clinici a lungo termine.
XXXVII Congresso ANMCO, Firenze 31/5-3/6/2006

Cortigiani L, Sicari R, Desideri A, Bigi R, Borges R, Palagi C, Bovenzi F, Picano E
Prognostic implication of myocardial viability during dobutamine stress echocardiography in diabetic and nondiabetic patients with chronic ischemic left ventricular dysfunction
Eur Heart J 2006; 27 (Suppl ):531
World Congress of cardiology 2006, Barcelona, Spain, 2-6/9/2006

Fontanelli A, Benettin A, Bonanno C, Cabianca E, Desideri A, Pagliani L, Santarelli A
The DISCOVERY Registry (Dissection of the Coronary Arteries: Veneto and Emilia Registry): Preliminary results
G Ital Cardiol vol 8, Suppl 2-5 2007

Milan E, Fiore F, Coscarelli S, Desideri A, Chierichetti F
Does myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) play a role in risk stratification of patients after either anatomically complete or incomplete revascularisation?
International Congress of Nuclear Cardiology (ICNC) 2007, 1/5/2007

Fontanelli A, Benettin A, Bonanno C, Cabianca E, Desideri A, Santarelli A, Manari A, Iavernaro A, Benassi A, Risica G, La Vecchia L, Pagliani L
Spontaneous dissections of coronary arteries and acute coronary syndromes. Rationale and design of Discovery a multicentric prospective registry and its case-control associated group.
XXXIX Congresso ANMCO, Firenze 276/2008

Pagliani, Benettin A, Bonanno C, Cabianca E, Desideri A, Santarelli A, Manari A, Benassi A, La Vecchia L, Fontanelli A.
Spontaneous dissections of coronary arteries and acute coronary syndromes. rationale and design of DISCOVERY: a multicentric prospective registry and its case-control associated group
Congresso della Societa’ europea di cardiologia, Vienna, 30/8-3/9/2008
Eur Heart J 2008; 29 (Abstr suppl), 838

Spontaneous dissections of coronary arteries (SCAD) and acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Preliminary results of the DISCOVERY-ACS: A multicenter prospective registry with a patients-control group
A Fontanelli, A Benettin, C Bonanno, E Cabianca, A Desideri, A Santarelli, ...
Circulation 2008, 118 (18 Supplement), S_817

Tomasello S, Desideri A, Occhipinti M, Campisano M, Capodanno D, Tamburino C, Galassi A
Quantitative measurement of de-novo significant coronary stenosis: a comparison between 2D quantitative coronary angiography, 3D cardiop quantitative coronary angiography and quantitative coronary ultrasound
XXIX Congresso nazionale della societa’ italiana di cardiologia Invasiva-GISE Abstract book

Barrano G, Tomasello D, Marza F, Costanzo L, Contegiacomo G, Marzocchi A, Cioppa A, Varbella F, Biondi Zoccai G, Desideri A, Della Rovere F, Garbo R, Baralis G, Franco N, Tamburino C, Galassi A
Italian Registry of Chronic Total Occlusion: preliminary data at the end of first phase.
XXX Congresso nazionale della societa’ italiana di cardiologia Invasiva-GISE Abstract book Suppl 3 ; 113: 2009